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Acapela Group presents: Create a digital copy of your voice with only 50 sentences, using Neural Text to speech, game changer in the voice technology.

Description of the demo

Create your digital voice with 50 sentences Acapela Group, European leader of voice solutions, creates digital voices that sound different, based on Neural text to speech. ? My-own-voice? service is a voice banking solution that offers individuals diagnosed with speech or language disorders the possibility to create a digital copy of their own voice to keep communicating with this essential part of their identity.

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About Acapela Group

Nicolas MAZARS - Acapela Group

At Acapela, we aim to create personalized voices perfectly adapted to the context of applications. Either for individuals who need digital voices to communicate or for companies looking for a digital spokesperson for their voice branding. The exercise remains the same: helping people get the right voice that fits and works. We not only provide a high quality voice that is excellent, technically speaking, but we also provide the voice that fits based on our latest innovations on neural TTS.

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