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Triseum LLC présente : Calculus made fun!

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Calculus is the foundation of every STEM degree, yet many students struggle. We partnered with Calculus teachers, Math professors, education experts, instructional designers and game designers to develop a highly engaging, award winning video game. Research has shown our approach can significantly impact all students by increasing success rates and reducing failure.

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A propos de Triseum LLC

Andre Thomas - Triseum LLC

Education is at the heart of everything Triseum does! We are an education gaming company that grew out of the LIVE Lab at Texas A&M University. Partnering with experts from the gaming and instructional design allowed us to build high quality video games that make learning fun and rewarding. Our bold curiosity means we push the boundaries of what educational games can do for students and learners. Our goal is nothing short of revolutionizing the way students learn and think about the world.

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