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Acapela Group présente : DIGITAL VOICES FOR THE GAMING INDUSTRY: SETTING THE TONE OF GAMES. Appealing alternatives for the gaming industry with personalized and engaging storytelling.

Descriptif de la démo

VoiceAI is now a crucial part of the game to elevate the video gaming experience. DNN innovations shorten the production time with more flexibility, less costs, more features, easy localization. Voice AI allow to set up a new engagement mode, pulling the gamer in an immersive experience. Learn how, combined with Acapela Cloud, our online straight talking cloud solution, appealing alternatives for the gaming industry with personalized and engaging digital voices are ready to go.

Vidéo de présentation

A propos de Acapela Group

Sherry Low - Acapela Group

How does your voice sound' Give a digital voice persona to your image. Your voice matters and Acapela Group cares about it. The company aims to create digital voices that sound different, based on Neural text-to-speech. Custom & personalized voices adapted to the needs and context of application, based on promising results of Acapela DNN (VOICE AI). Acapela is the European leader of voice solutions with 30 years of expertise, an enthusiastic team and a strong appetite for innovation.

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