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EvidenceB présente : EvidenceB is a unique mix of Cognitive scientific results and AI to find the best learning method for each student, resulting in personalized learning on a much higher level than ever before.

Descriptif de la démo

EvidenceB develops next-generation, Cognitive sciences and AI-based digital adaptive learning modules for K12. Our aim is to tackle the challenges to core knowledge learning. Our approach is evidence-based, using the established research to provide support for teachers in terms of differentiation and decision-making through data, analysis and clustering. We are B2B2C, growing fast worldwide through partnerships with educational publishers, Ministries of Education and public bodies.

Vidéo de présentation

A propos de EvidenceB

Didier Plasse - EvidenceB

EvidenceB is an impact EdTech startup that aims to tackle the huge failure in core knowledge learning in K12, largely responsible for the massive increase in worldwide school dropout rates. We provide the tools to facilitate next-gen personalized learning, based on the combination of cognitive science and repetitive student specific results, enriched by AI. EvidenceB's differentiated solution combines a digital assessment tool with AI-driven data analytics all on a comprehensive dashboard.

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