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IONNYK présente : IONNIK - A magical piece of art

Descriptif de la démo

IONNYK is the world's first cordless digital art frame based on e-paper technology, composed with millions of tiny ink capsules. IONNYK is the first art photography platform that uplifts your experience of art, leaving room for creativity and imagination. In black & white. Our state-of-the-art technology allows you to see art photography in its purest form, while staying connected to its surroundings and your personal preferences. With magical elements if you want to.

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A propos de IONNYK

Christophe Courcelle - IONNYK

IONNYK is the world's first cordless digital art frame composed with millions of tiny ink capsules that have the crispness and high resolution quality as paper ink photography. The only difference' We don't use paper ink. We use e-paper technology coupled with a digital art platform and link both with one IOS or Android app.

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