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NST / SMO Solar Process présente : SMO Solar Process: Invest in Plug&Play, Carbon-Negative, Waste-to-Revenue Plants Around the World, including Low Infrastructure Locations.

Descriptif de la démo

Green Hydrogen and Carbon Capture appear Great for a Climate-neutral future, but do not seem cost effective now. Our Solar-powered BioEnergy with Carbon Capture and Utilization Technology Turns Carbon-Based Waste Into Profitable Outputs, Worldwide. SMO® sites are designed as modular units adjusted to meet local resources and needs. Using waste as input and direct solar energy, we offer our Green Hydrogen at below ?3 per kg. With SMO Solar Process, we build Clean, Green, Profit machines.

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A propos de NST / SMO Solar Process

Yasmine ENCELADE - NST / SMO Solar Process

NumSmoTechnologies (NST), is a Greentech company that focuses on R&D and Licensing of new industrial concepts relying on solar energy as their primary source of power. NST presents SMO, a BECCU Tech.

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