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Professor in the department of mathematics and statistics - the University of Montreal


Professor in the department of mathematics and statistics at the University of Montreal working in the field of applied Artificial Intelligence in banking with experience in creating business value through ML and AI. An active member of the Montreal AI community involved in various collaborative initiatives linking up technical data science teams with product owners/managers in order to create a coherent AI transformation strategy. During his tenure as Chief AI Scientist at National Bank of Canada he oversaw the scientific component of the AI transformation initiative of the sixth largest commercial bank in Canada. As a researcher affiliated at OBVIA, he is also involved in the ongoing worldwide discussion around AI Ethics the commitment with responsible AI deployments. Currently working on the impact of AI in measuring and reporting ESG footprint in the context of sustainable finance. He continues to conduct collaborative research and teaching activities at the University of Montreal where he is the director of the FinML network, whose mandate is to train the next AI-enabled generation of finance and banking professionals. He is also the Partnerships Deputy Director at the Centre de Recherche Mathématiques - CRM in Montreal where he strives to build bridges between the industry sector and the mathematical community in the province of Quebec. He is also a Core Advisor for The PathCheck Foundation, a non-for profit out of MIT that develops and deploys technological solutions for COVID-19 spread mitigation strategies like exposure notification and, testing and vaccine logistics. Active member of the FinTech community in Montreal where he plays different roles as advisor and founder.



15h55_OVH Auchan Decathlon
Table Ronde IA for Good
Il y a 2 semaines