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AIMS INC. presents: NANU, Smart Mobility Battery Sharing Platform

Description of the demo

Hello everyone, thank you for this opportunity. I represent Aims? Nanu Power Ev Team, a south Korean e-mobility Startup focused on designing and developing electric mobility solutions. The problems that owners of EV Motorcycle and Scooter are facing apart from high Battery Cost, loss of time when charging an EV motorbike or scooter, and limited battery capacity range. Our Solution is a universal Battery Swap Station platform) that enables us to swap batteries in less than 10 seconds. Our battery data monitoring systems also contribute to better battery performance and battery recycling business. We were selected as promising Startups by the Ministry of Science, Partnerships with South America, Indonesia, India, and Vietnam. We have a innovation oriented team specialized in the battery. Our objective is to set up the largest network of Battery Swap Station, in the world, we would like your support and cooperation for going global. Thank you for your time.

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Aims Inc. is an EV mobility startup business that has innovative technology for performance by combining IoT technology with batteries used for smart mobility such as electric motorcycles as a way to solve problems caused by future environmental problems. To solve the problem of charging time, the biggest problem of motorcycles, by introducing the concept of a battery exchange station.

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