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ELLONA presents: Being Smart is measuring in order to act ...

Description of the demo

There is no smart city, or smart building without remedial action, in order to improve the health, cleanliness, and adherence of Citizens and employees to environments in which they live or work. To be able to remedy these impacting events, we must contextualize the events and for this we have built connected objects and sensory data banks (gas and odors, allergens, noises and sounds ...) which allow you to detect and interpret events to trigger appropriate remedies

Presentation video


Jean-Christophe MIFSUD - ELLONA

Ellona develops situational intelligence solutions to contextualize environmental events (gas, odors, noises and sounds, allergens, vibration, light ...) based on the association of sensors miniaturized and sensory databases in the cloud to maximize comfort, and environmental well-being and sanitation, reduce toxics. This for indoor environments (open space, hospitals, schools,) and outdoor (smart city

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