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SIMANGO presents: Virtual reality and mobile learning at the service of continuing education for healthcare professionals

Description of the demo

Simango is a health training organization. We use innovative digital solutions such as virtual reality and mobile learning to train healthcare personnel on many topics (hygiene, identity vigilance, well-treatment, fire safety ... ) Immersive and fun, virtual reality allows healthcare professionals to learn about risky situations in complete safety. With the virtual reality headset, the caregiver is immersed in 360 degrees in a 3D environment. In the form of a risk search, he will have to find several errors in the health establishment (corridors, patient room, operating room?) It is not only a question of identifying the error, but also to understand the reason for this error and how to fix it. No need to move! These innovative formats allow training managers to train and educate their agents directly within their department and quickly. They adapt easily to the rather intense workload of healthcare professionals. The immersive aspect of the solution makes it possible to promote the memorization of the learner over the long term. It is easier to remember what we are doing rather than what we are watching. Via our solution, we want to: facilitate access to training for health personnel; increase the efficiency of continuing education; improve the safety of care.

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Breton Startup created in 2018 by our two co-founders, Vincent-Dozhwal Bagot and Guillaume Maquinay, SIMANGO is an innovative training organization for healthcare professionals. Based on Virtual Reality, Mobile Learning and Serious Game, SIMANGO trains and educates healthcare professionals through games.

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