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THINK AIR presents: New Air purification technology based on artificial intelligence.

Description of the demo

We have developed and patented ZOLTAN, a new technological wave in the field of indoor air quality (IAQ). It sends neutralization and disinfection sprays to remove pollution and pathogens when and where it's needed, while current solutions capture indoor pollution by constantly recirculating water. 'air. Thus, ZOLTAN can be used where others fail: our fixed system called ZOLTAN AIR and its mobile version called ZONTAN Q purify the air in huge closed or semi-open spaces. open (for example, train stations). Based on IAQ indices, number of people, and consolidated by intelligent Jet Focus control, ZOLTAN is also connected with ventilation and air conditioning for more efficient control and prevention. ZOLTAN focuses on volatile organic compounds (VOCs), odors and pathogen-related biomolecules, with high-level impact on comfort and health. It connects to environmental satellites to monitor air pollutants and triggers alerts for building managers via a mobile or web application, to help them take control measures. prevention or additional sanitation.

Presentation video




We have developed and patented ZOLTAN, a new technological wave in the field of indoor air quality (IAQ). It sends neutralization and disinfection sprays to remove pollution and pathogens when and where it's needed, while current solutions capture indoor pollution by constantly recirculating water. 'air. Thus, ZOLTAN can be used where others fail

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