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NANABA presents: What if your child had to solve an educational game before they could access their smartphone or tablet?

Description of the demo

What if your child had to solve an educational game before they could access their smartphone or tablet? It is the revolutionary application developed by the Edtech Nanaba. The mobile application developed by NANABA locks user-selected applications like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Youtube. To access the latter, the child will have to solve a small fun educational game based on learning by repetition.

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What if your child had to solve an educational game before they could access their smartphone or tablet? It is the revolutionary application developed by the Edtech Nanaba. The mobile application developed by NANABA locks user-selected applications like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or Youtube. To access the latter, the child will have to solve a small fun educational game based on learning by repetition.

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