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Vizua presents: The collaborative platform for real-time 3D content Thanks to 5G and Cloud Computing Vizua will be the YouTube of 3D content

Description of the demo

Our clients are people or companies who want to manage, view, share or collaborate on 3D content. They are 3D content creators who want to sell their design or collaborate with their clients or colleagues on it. For example, an engineer in the CAD industry wishing to interact with marketing or an architect with his client. The fields of application are vast: CAD industry, medicine, architecture, archeology, BIM ...

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About Vizua

Sylvain Ordureau - Vizua

Vizua is based in Nice (Holding, IP and patents). The R&D team is = Montreal (75% CIR). 16 employees Turnover: 2021 1,5M? Objective: To become the world leader in -Management and collaborative 3D information sharing -Mixed reality application providers We are looking for 3M? over 3 years to finance R&D and allow us to finalize a shelf product in 2022. This will also allow us to create / invest in a community, or even a Start-up ecosystem around Vizua.

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