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PosterLab presents: Knowledge Transferred - FAST

Description of the demo

PosterLab is a digital platform that consists of a set of tools for structuring, sharing early research findings knowledge. Coupled with a set of a self-explanatory user interface, the data input is structured thanks to PosterLab? S machine learning model. Making it possible to recommend to the users? expertise and peers to other team members within the organization or Consortia, searching for this input to progress in their research project and therefore better collaborate.

Presentation video


About PosterLab

Sebastien Charles - PosterLab

PosterLab is a Mainz / Saarburck-based start-up established in February 2021 that develops a digital twin collaboration platform in line with the FAIR research data principles. The aim is to simplify the knowledge transfer within and in between research organizations that are active in Life Science and Chemistry.

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