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Arendar IT-Security GmbH presents: A guarded Bridge between IT (Office) an OT (Production)

Description of the demo

In a unique combination of hardware and soft ware, the ARENDAR units functions and tasks that were previously performed by a variety of devices such as routers, firewalls, gateways, edge computers and data collectors. The ARENDAR connects MES systems and production machines, enables effective AI evaluation, provides information for predictive maintenance and offers a secure remote maintenance access. The Arendar is the first IoT gateway that establishes a closed loop between OT and the cloud.

Presentation video

About Arendar IT-Security GmbH

Rudolf Preuss - Arendar IT-Security GmbH

What do I have to consider when I want to process the data that is generated in the production environment in my IT or in the cloud 'Challenges and solutions to make existing plants fit for the industry of tomorrow. ARENDAR small device powerfull solution

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