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Animatico AG présente : Providing the next generation of customer engagement in stores with intelligent and interactive avatars

Descriptif de la démo

Animatico is an ETH spin-off with it's origin at the computer graphics lab and at Disney Research and revolutionizes how humans interact with digital displays. So we know very well how people connect with animated characters on an emotional level. And it has actually been shown that storytelling and an emotional connection are the two most important qualities of a salesperson. On the other side, we are surrounded by digital signage screen in stores and it has been shown that more than 60% percent of the customers don't look at these screens and customers, on average, don't read more than 8 words per store visit. So huge sums are invested in ineffective digital signage solutions. Animatico brings into the retail world the magic of animated characters by bringing voice enabled avatars to digital signage screens to increase customer engagement and brand activation and to drive automation. We offer various use cases, focused around a virtual sales assistant, ranging from product recommendation to product promotion. And with our avatar platform we enable our partners to easily and quickly create immersive experiences for brands and retailers. With the potential to expand to other industries with a virtual hotel concierge or a teaching assistant in the future.

Vidéo de présentation

Example video Animatico: Example in French:

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A propos de Animatico AG

Pascal Bérard - Animatico AG

Animatico brings digital, stylized avatars to stores acting as your brand ambassadors activating customers, providing product information and creating an experiential user journey. We combine stylized characters with artificial intelligence and voice control, creating a seamless way of interacting with digital devices. This interaction results in a boosted emotional connection and engagement of the user with the character. Our characters are the perfect way of extending existing sales staff.

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