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#myGlobalVillage CES OPENING WEBCAST. Welcome to the US Live from StartupNV - Nevada incubator & accelerator : key business opportunity to accelerate your Startup in the US

Le 05 janvier 2022
Heure locale : 07:10 - 07:20, 2022-01-05 International Innovation Center @Vegas - Las Vegas, ACORES, MADERE - International Innovation Center @Vegas
Europe/Paris : 16:10 - 16:20, 2022-01-05 Europe/Berlin : 16:10 - 16:20, 2022-01-05 America/New_York : 10:10 - 10:20, 2022-01-05 Asia/Shanghai : 23:10 - 23:20, 2022-01-05 Europe/London : 15:10 - 15:20, 2022-01-05 Asia/Tokyo : 00:10 - 00:20, 2022-01-06 Asia/Seoul : 00:10 - 00:20, 2022-01-06 Australia/Sydney : 02:10 - 02:20, 2022-01-06

After 5 years in Nevada, myGlobalVillage is now connected to an emblematic incubator and accelerator in Nevada. mGV officials, start-ups, investors, delegate and juree are hosted by  Jeff Salling the dynamic founder of Startup NV a non-profit state-wide business incubator and accelerator for those considering locating in Nevada. 
myGlobalVillage guest  will discover ecosystem of founders, mentors, university connections, investors, and business partners work together to support companies located in our Nevada communities.



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International Innovation Center @Vegas International Innovation Center @Vegas

300 S. 4th St. #180 Nevada 891 - Las Vegas

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